Course Details

Diploma in Marketing

MAHSA University
Jenjarom, Selangor
 The Diploma in Marketing programme aims to provide students with in-depth knowledge, skills and values of a range of business disciplines for their future managerial roles and responsibilities in the field of marketing. 

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Course Summary


Jan, Apr, May, Aug, Oct

Course Fees (estimated)

RM 30,450

Course Duration

2.5 years

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Pass with min. credit in three (3) subjects

Pass with min. grade B in three (3) subjects

Pass with min. grade C in three (3) subjects

Pass with level three (3) subjects in related field and pass SPM with min. one (1) credit in any subjects

Pass with min. grade C in (CGPA 2.0)

Certificate Pass any relevant Certificate Programme (Level 3, MQF)
Application Fee - RM 200
Registration Fee - RM 600
Tuition Fee- RM 28,250
Total Yearly - RM 1,400
Total Fee - RM 30,450

2020 Scholarship - RM 2,600
2020 Fees - RM 27,850
PTPTN ( BSH ) - RM 13,600
Year 1
  • Introduction to Business BBIZ 1173
  • Accounting 1 & 2 BACC 1113 & BACC 1213
  • Business English 1 & 2 BENG 1123 & BENG 1223
  • Microeconomics BECO 1133
  • Macroeconomics BECO 1233
  • Business Mathematics BMTH 1143
  • Information Technology MPU 2223
  • Business Statistics BSTS 1243
  • Introduction to Finance BFIN 1323
  • Principles of Marketing BMKT 1313

Year 2 
  • Business & Company Law BLAW 2413
  • Business Communication BCOM 2423
  • Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship BENT 2443
  • Fundamentals of Management BMGT 1253
  • Introduction to E-Commerce BIEC 2533
  • Retail Management DMKT 2513
  • Business Research Methods DMKT 2523
  • Customer Relations DMKT 2533
  • International Marketing DMKT 2543
  • Service Marketing DMKT 2553
  • Ethical Issues in Marketing DMKT 2613
  • Consumer Behaviour DMKT 2623
  • Advertising and Sales Promotion DMKT 2633

Year 3 
  • Industrial Training (4 Months) BITN 2618
Disclaimer: Course Information details may change from time to time. Please check with respective institutions to get updated information.
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