
QIU Soars into Global Sustainability Rankings

22 Apr 2021
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QIU is one of only 19 Malaysian universities that made it to the global rankings of 1,115 universities worldwide. Only 7 private universities made the cut.
Zero hunger and SDG partnerships saw us ranked among the top 300 universities worldwide.

QIU’s commitment to the United Nations’ Sustainability Development Goals (SDG)has been recognised by the international community, after we leapt into the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2021 this week.  

The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings are the only global performance tables that assess universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The rankings use carefully calibrated indicators to provide comprehensive and balanced comparisons across three broad areas: research, outreach and stewardship. 

QIU is one of only 19 Malaysian universities that made it to the international list of 1,115 universities worldwide, with only 7 private universities making the cut.

The University’s debut in the rankings—which were released on April 21—saw us placed in the 600-801 bracket. Our best performances came in the zero hunger and SDG partnership goals, where our ranking placed us among the top 300 universities worldwide.

Here are some of the highlights that landed us in the rankings!

As a higher educational institution, our pledge is to integrate sustainability into our academic activities—ensuring that our graduates are fully immersed in sustainability practices which they will reinforce in their future professions. 

The University’s sustainability initiatives are led by an SDG Steering Committee, which comprises four clusters: Education; Research; Operations; and Leadership.  

All of our SDG-related activities provide opportunities for our students to get involved directly. This means that students are able to understand, learn, and practise the SDGs—no different from our hands-on brand of education.

Congratulations to all of the QIU family who contributed to this brilliant university-wide effort. Let’s do our best to climb up the rankings further! 

For more information on QIU’s sustainability initiatives, check out the official QIU SDG Steering Committee Report 2019.
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