
Engineering & The Global Adaptation Towards IR4.0

17 Mar 2022

Dr. Freeda and Dr. John were the speakers of the webinar entitled Engineering & The Global Adaptation Towards Ir4.0.

Dr. Freeda has a Bachelor Degree in aerospace engineering, Master of Science as well as PH.D in Mechanical Engineering. As a woman in the engineering industry, Dr. Freeda mentioned that being a female in this industry can be pretty competitive. Though, it is very enjoyable and challenging which gives immense job satisfaction if you have the flair for it

Engineering & The Global Adaptation Towards Ir4.0

Evolution of Industrial Production

Over the past centuries, mechanical production has constantly evolved for better efficiency, productivity and profits. The progress from Industry 1.0 was then a rapid uphill climb leading up to the current industrial era – Industry 4.0.

As the technology-cost curve becomes steeper everyday, more and more rapid technology disruptions will emerge at even lower costs and revolutionise the industrial ecosystem. In the latest industrial revolution era, cyber physical systems can communicate with one another using the internet. Many industries and communities start to rely on technological development of engineering and the internet. Industry 4.0 is still at a nascent stage and the industries are still in the transition state of adoption of the new systems.

What is Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies engineering, physics, and materials science principles to design, analyse, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems. It is one of the oldest and broadest of the engineering disciplines.
Precisely, Mechanical engineering is concerned with the design, manufacture, and operation of components, devices, or systems. 

Mechanical Engineering Field  is divided into 8 different areas:
  • Automotive
  • Aeronautical
  • Automation / Robotics
  • Oil & Gas
  • Building & Services
  • Biomedical
  • Food & Beverage
  • Renewable Energy

Types Of Mechanical Engineer

1. Production
Improves production output

2. Process
Improves manufacturing efficiency by analysing and planning work flow

3. Manufacturing & Fabrication
To manufacture / fabricate part based on the engineering drawing

4. Quality Assurance
To ensure the production parts are all within standard and tolerances

5. Research & Design
Design test and optimise the functionality of equipment / consumer product 

6. Design & Development
Design equipment / consumer product using computer drawing software

7. Assembly & Test
To assemble parts of a product and subsequently test it before sending to customer

8. Project
To plan and manage of manpower and resources to ensure the project can accomplish on time

9. M&E Building
To design and install air-con and piping system of a new building

10. Equipment & Maintenance
To ensure the daily use equipment or system are well function and maintained

11. Field Service & Application
Travel to customer site to solve mechanical engineering related problem

Types of Engineering Courses

Did you know that there are mainstream engineering and hybrid engineering?

Mainstream courses examples:
  1. Chemical Engineering
  2. Mechanical Engineering
  3. Civil Engineering
  4. Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Why mainstream courses?
  • Covers the fundamental knowledge of Engineering. 
  • Wider job opportunities.
  • Switch field according to economic developments. 
  • Better understanding of other task

Hybrid courses examples:
  1. Mechatronics Engineering
  2. Petrochemicals Engineering
  3. Automotive Engineering

Why hybrid courses?
  • Niche area / tied to specific job 
  • Focused into the field 
  • New / advanced knowledge

Route to Professional Engineer (IR.) 

Route to being a Member of Institution of Engineers Malaysia

Q & A Session 

1. How should students pick between Mainstream and Hybrid courses? 

Mainstream courses are usually prepared for students who have not decided which specific career path they want to pursue in the future. 
This is because hybrid courses are mainly focused on a very certain specific area or industry directly and professionally. 
Unless you are well-determined on the information and skills you want to learn in a course, mainstream engineering courses are usually the safer choice for you.

2. What are some of the issues that most engineers are trying to tackle in Malaysia at this moment?

In electrical engineering, Insufficient renewable energy, resources and electricity is one of the major issues engineers encounter in Malaysia. In this case, engineers need to come up with innovative solutions like higher efficiency of solar panels to tackle the issue. 
As for chemical engineering, Dr. John brought up that there are more problems to be solved in the chemical engineering industry. Due to severe environmental issues like water pollution and water disruption in Selangor, chemical engineers always have to develop and design chemical manufacturing equipment and processes to solve these issues.
In mechanical engineering, Dr. Freeda mentioned that electric vehicles still have a lot of room for future advancement. Engineers in the automobile industry have to find a way to tackle the lack of efficiency for long rides. 

3.  In the future, will there be a possibility for engineers to work from home?

In this digital age with the technology advancement of 5G, some positions in the engineer industry may have the probability to work from home. However, engineers are still required to work in the company or laboratory to investigate their projects all the time. 

4. Must students have a physics background to study engineering?

Dr. John advised that it can be risky to enrol in this course if a student does not have the fundamental knowledge in physics. 
Although you may have the passion or eagerness to learn from the start, it may be quite difficult for some students to absorb the principles of physics or calculations . Therefore, Dr. John encouraged students to do something that they are comfortable with or  only join the engineering program if you are confident that you can fully understand or enjoy doing physics. 

Hope this article helps you learn more about the engineering courses and industry.  If you are unsure of which engineering courses is more suitable for you, you can discover your interest and potential with our psychometric test for free now!

Make sure to follow our Facebook & Instagram for more updates on our upcoming webinars as well as other interesting events!

Information accurate at time of writing, March 2022
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