
马来西亚人才外流的现象,是过去数十年以来不变的事实。成因无数,但其中一项必定是本地无法提供他们想要的工作机会。CG动画亦是面对人才流失的行业之一,专才会选择到新加坡、美国等地的企业参与大型制作。 Lebih Lanjut
Dasein Academy of Art
01 Sep 2020
Do you prefer a smaller classroom and smaller community to study with? If yes, IUMW may be the perfect choice for your tertiary/ postgrad educatio... Lebih Lanjut
International University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW)
27 Apr 2022
Holland’s code, or the RIASEC system in short, is known as a set of personality types that was developed by John L. Holland. He believes that peopl... Lebih Lanjut
At undergraduate level, it’s possible to take a joint accounting and finance degree, in order to gain a more general knowledge of both accounting a... Lebih Lanjut
In short, an Administrator provides office and administrative support to either a team or individual. Management is defined as an act of managing p... Lebih Lanjut
A career in cosmetology may be fun, financially rewarding, and personally fulfilling. An individual who is trained to develop the right skill set f... Lebih Lanjut
MBBS stands for Bachelor of Medicine-Bachelor of Surgery, while MD stands for Doctor of Medicine. Lebih Lanjut
很多父母以为读美术或学艺术找不到吃,但Cloakwork(吕乐臣,Chern Loo)不仅选择了读艺术专科,甚至还把在墙壁上涂鸦作为自己的“专长”,更以此为契机开拓了自己的事业生涯。 Lebih Lanjut
Dasein Academy of Art
03 Apr 2019
Real Estate plays a critical role in our local economic growth and GDP. Find out why real estate is vital in today’s age from our webinar with IUM... Lebih Lanjut
International University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW)
15 Mar 2022
Nivay Anandarajah is a mechanical engineer with Alloy Product Development. As part of ConnectEd's "Day in the Life" series, Nivay shows us the proc... Lebih Lanjut


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