This training is open to all trainees whose going for training program of Malaysia Skills Certificate (SKM), Diploma of Malaysia Skills (DKM) and Higher Diploma of Malaysia Skills (DLKM).
Conditions for Borrower
Malaysian Citizen
Had been for SKM training programs for Phase/Level 1 till Phase/Level 3, DKM for Phase/Level 4 and DLKM for Phase/Level 5 and other programs which approved by PTP
Age limit for borrower is between 15 to 45 years old
Do not receive any finance assistance from other agencies
Full time studies as the period stated
Family monthly income is not more than RM 5,000.00
Loan Rate
The rate for loan is in between RM 2,500 to RM 24,000 depends on the program and training phase which included:-
Living allowance is RM400 per month in the training period.
Premium payments is for insurance protections.
3% of balance loan will be charge for administration fees yearly
Conditions for Guarantor
Malaysian citizens
Monthly income for one guarantor must not less than RM700, aged 21 years old and above and not more than 50 years old when trainee starts training.
If the guarantor is mother/father/legal guardians, age condition and income will be excluded
Each guarantor can never guarantee more than two (2) trainees except for mother/father/legal guardian.
Not declared bankruptcy
Method for Skills Training Loan
Borrowers need a CIMB Berhad Bank account (convensional)
Borrowers should apply from Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) with the help of the Training Provider
Loan will directly channeled into account of borrowers through auto pay and study fees payment into account of Training Provider will be done through direct debit
Loan Payment
Loan payment will start after six (6) months training ended
Period of loan payments is in between one (1) to ten (10) years
Monthly instalment is between RM84.69 to RM193.12 based on the total loan which been approved.
Further information can be found on the government official portal at:
If you are not sure which path you want to pursue for your skill trainings, you should find this psychometric test here to be helpful in providing some aptitude breakdown and course suggestions upon completion of the test. Feel free to proceed to the test, it's free after all.